"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them" (Gen.1:27)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Directionally Challenged yet Democratic Bishop of Tulsa

Given his recent decision to celebrate the Liturgy with his back to the people in a desire to celebrate the liturgy "Ad Orientem," (i.e. "facing east"), some might think that the current bishop of the diocese of Tulsa, OK would be keen on maintaining hierarchy and status. A recent visit to the diocesan website, however, betrays another picture altogether. In fact, the bishop seems very committed to recognizing the dignity of God's People, he even has refers to all members of his flock as "bishop," having instructed the diocesan webmaster to label every picture of people (including women and children) on the diocesan site with "Our Bishop."  (By the way, the only problem with the bishop's desire to celebrate the Liturgy Ad Orientem in the diocesan cathedral is that Holy Family Cathedral seems to be on a southwest-northeast axis ... oh well!)



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